Dr. panda is a dedicated interventional cardiologist and cardiac electrophysilogist (specialist doctor that perform radiofrequency catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmia , pacing , heart failure device implantation) and he has got exceptional technique and skill effective patient care in various type of cardiac patients.
Dr. panda also seeks to see the whole patient and is able to look beyond symptoms and disorders to take into account the emotional aspects of the patient's well-being. For patients who are fearful and anxious, he seeks to provide them with hope, relief, and reassurance. His special interested and skill level in cardiac electrophysiology attracted patient from various part of country and across oversea as patients who need appropriate treatment. He is one of the pioneer of elctrophysilogy in divided Andhra Pradesh and provide his service in almost every corner of state.
Area of Intrest
Preventive Health
Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure
Acute coronary syndrome
Area of Work
- cerebral angiogram
- Renal,
- Carotid
- Peripheral Vascular diseases Interventions
Fesc- Fellowship In European Collgeof Cardiology
Pdf- Post Doctoral Fellowship In Cardiac Pacing And Electrophysilogy